Sunday, November 1, 2009


My big adventure to Argentina with Mommy Cia is underway! We blew that popsicle joint, otherwise known as Boston, early Friday afternoon and arrived at our final destination in Argentina just before 10pm on Saturday night. It took 2 planes and 2 bus rides, but we made it in one piece -- though my Yo Gabba Gabba Partner, Muno, who started the trip with us, somehow got lost between the airport and the bus. With all of the traveling you'd think we arrived ripe, but the truth is I was a great traveler. In fact, all of the people I met on the plane told me how impressed they were at my great traveling skills. No meltdowns. Just fun, fun, fun!

When we arrived there was a lot of food and drinks waiting for me. We didn't take a lot of pictures because it was late and we were exhausted, but let me tell you the food was good. Those little sandwichitos are GOOOOOD! Oh, and did I mention there were tons of people trying to give me hugs, squeezes and kisses. I was a little shy at first, but everyone is so nice that it's hard staying shy for too long. I've had a lot of fun meeting my Aunts: Tia Porota, Tia Nenin, Tia Chola and Tia Shirley. And, my cousins Lucy, Cacho, Adrian, Raulito and Guillermo are silly, silly, silly! I even met some of my Grandma Coca's friends, Maggie and Marisol. They met us at one of the bus stops for a quick hello. We didn't get to talk for long, but we'll see them again before we leave.

Lucy has kindly let us invade her apartment, which sits just below Tia Nenin's house. We just take the back stairs to get to Tia Nenin's or to go down to the backyard, where there are lots of flowers and a nice space to learn how to play soccer. This afternoon we had a wonderful lunch. Oh man, it was so good. The beef here - I'm tellin' ya. It's killah! Later this evening Tia Chola and Tia Porota came by for a light dinner and some conversation, and I gave out some pictures and gifts.

It's only day 3 of our big adventure, so I don't have too much else to report other than the fact that it is HOT down here! Mommy Cia totally thought it'd be more "springy-chilly" instead of "springy-hot", thought I think she packed enough shorts to compensate. If not, we just may have to go shopping. What torture. Ha! All-in-all, we're having a super time, and I'm having a wonderful time meeting my family and making new friends.

I'll try to blog again when I'm able. Until then, enjoy some pictures!


Unknown said...

Did you get any mail from lately? I sent a Lucia Day Card and other???

Dad one of the Lee boys.

Unknown said...

Grande Lucia !!!!

que lindos recuerdos !!!

saludos, Sergio