Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Last weekend I drove Mommy Cia and Sydney over to see Uncle Rob and my cousins, Hayden and Myra. We had a grand time and ended up hooking up with some of Uncle Rob's friends and their kids. The weather was AWESOME, so we took off for a romp in the woods. We romped, we stomped, and we had lots of fun watching Myrl (Uncle Rob's dog) and Sydney get dirty, dirty, dirty! Here are some pics from our fun time together.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Potty-session #2

I pee'd in the potty again tonight. Second time in 4 days. Yeah...cuz I'm that good. If Mommy Cia had waited just a little bit longer, I'm sure I would have delivered some serious "business". Next time.

Friday, March 13, 2009


You'd think the Moms won the lottery tonight. Earlier this week I was telling them how I was interested in the potty. So, the routine for the past few days has been to sit on the potty when I first get up, after I eat and then before bed. Well, before going to bed tonight, I sat on the potty with my book and when I was done, Mommy Cia and Mommy Jenny found a puddle of gold! They were so excited they jumped up and down, clapping with wild abandonment and celebration. Like I said, you'd think they just won the lottery or something...