Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Boogie Nights

I am a lover of music. All kinds of music, and The Moms have noticed that I like to bounce my head and dance when the spirit moves me. It starts with a little head bob, then a little wiggle and before long I'm all over the place. Doesn't matter if it's opera, boogie tunes, big band...if it's good, I'll get a groove on.

Check me out gettin' down to Boogie Nights!

And now for a little swing action...yes, that head tilt and running around is dancing and don't let anyone tell you otherwise!

I also want to share with you another of my creative skills. This is a clip of me using my crayons. It's from a week or so ago (as evidenced by my disheveled hair).

And finally, in a non-sequitur moment...some random pictures from the past couple of weeks.

Today is Mommy Cia and Mommy Jenny's 2nd wedding anniversary. Tomorrow I am hanging out with their friend, Miss Jana, so they can have a celebratory dinner out together. I can't wait to wear her down while they're gone. Hahaha! Until next time!

Friday, August 22, 2008

Snip It, Snip It Real Good

Yes, folks. It had to be done sooner or later. I'm talking about my first haircut.

The locks were starting to get unruly and people were wondering just what the heck was up with my hair. Made me look a little crazy and disheveled - kind of like a mini, baby-genius. Ok, mostly crazy and disheveled so Mommy Jenny finally convinced Mommy Cia that it had to be done.

Now, Mommy Jenny just wanted to take the scissors and do my first cut herself, but Mommy Cia said, "Noooo way, baby!" There's something about going to a real shop for your first 'do, ya know - no mushroom cuts for me, thank you very much. Besides, I'm a squirmy squirt and that can get dicy when you introduce scissors and clippers.

Here's a clip of me getting my new 'do':

Here I am "before":

Here I am "during":

And here I am "after":

Here's lookin' at you, handsome. Oh wait, that's me! Haha! Until next time.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


The Moms have been noticing that I have a lot to say when I'm not asleep. In particular, I've been busy learning "Old McDonald" and really getting into the "e-i-e-i-o" chorus. Check out my video.

Now, don't take my response as being bored or anything. I'm actually very into this song and can be quite emphatic with my refrain. It's really just that I'm looking forward to learning the rest of the words to this song. And that's a clip for next time. Until then, keep it real!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Fishy Business, The ICA and Playground Prowess

In honor of the US Olympic team's swimming success, I share with you my experience at the New England Aquarium. My Mommy Jenny and I dropped on by last Friday and had an awesome time. We saw pengiuns and fish and learned about all things aquatic.

Check out my video from the aquarium.

We also went to the Institute of Contemporary Art (ICA) and some some cool art, including art by Anish Kapoor who does big, shiny contemporary sculptures, and South African artist, Nicholas Hlobo who does mixed media sculpture - one of which includes a piece utilizing big, rubber tubes that are sewn together. You can check out the ICA by clicking here.

A couple of weeks ago Mommy Cia I also had a playdate with my friend Zach and his daddies. There are some cool swirly slides and a big yellow climbing wall. As I'm sure you can imagine it was my mission to tame these two beasts. Yes, indeed...and tame them I did. Check it out. Now, I'm not sure if you can appreciate the scope of these great beasts since the pics are tiny...so, be sure to click on the image and you'll see the full-size picture for greater effect.

Here's my friend Zach.

Here we are hanging out.

Until next time, keep it real and GO TEAM USA!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Olympics Mania

The Olympics are coming, the Olympics are coming! In anticipation of the impending games, I give you...baby pole vaulting!

Ok, so I wasn't really pole vaulting, but it kinda looks like it, doesn't it? As you can see I have been very busy honing my climbing, scaling and rappelling skills. At any rate, we are looking forward to the games and I'm especially looking forwar to watching the gymnastics and diving events.

On a completely un-related topic, last week I spent a couple of days at my friend Seba's place. It was loads of fun and his mommy took some great pictures. You should check them out here: Seba's Blog.

Until next time!