Friday, August 22, 2008

Snip It, Snip It Real Good

Yes, folks. It had to be done sooner or later. I'm talking about my first haircut.

The locks were starting to get unruly and people were wondering just what the heck was up with my hair. Made me look a little crazy and disheveled - kind of like a mini, baby-genius. Ok, mostly crazy and disheveled so Mommy Jenny finally convinced Mommy Cia that it had to be done.

Now, Mommy Jenny just wanted to take the scissors and do my first cut herself, but Mommy Cia said, "Noooo way, baby!" There's something about going to a real shop for your first 'do, ya know - no mushroom cuts for me, thank you very much. Besides, I'm a squirmy squirt and that can get dicy when you introduce scissors and clippers.

Here's a clip of me getting my new 'do':

Here I am "before":

Here I am "during":

And here I am "after":

Here's lookin' at you, handsome. Oh wait, that's me! Haha! Until next time.


Amyacl said...

Jackson, you look even more handsome than before, if that's possible. I'll show Sebastian this video so he can be ready for his own first haircut!

Anonymous said...

Now there's my handsome nephew! Love your new 'do,my man!