Monday, June 15, 2009

Time Flies...

When you're having fun! I don't know about you, but I am already knee-deep in summer games and summer daydreams. Mommy Jenny and I took a Duck Boat tour the other day and I had loads of fun. The weather was grey, but who cares when you're having a blast? Mommy Cia says she was quite jealous of our trip, but was super happy I had so much fun.

Here I am looking out on the water and the Zakim Bridge as a backdrop!

Mommy Jenny also gave me a garden kit as part of my birthday present. It was fun planting and I am looking forward to more gardening this summer. As you can see, gardening is some serious, serious business! It's a good thing Mommy Cia doesn't garden - she would kill the plants. But look at me! I'm quite good at it and can't wait to see my garden grow.

A couple of weeks ago I went with Mommy Jenny to visit Grandma and Grandpa Moore in NYC. We didn't take many pictures, but here are a couple for your viewing pleasure. One is of me helping to mow the concrete (it's harder than you think) and the other is of Grandma Bertha showing me how to properly cross the street. It's always nice visiting NYC and I'm looking foward to a visit over Father's Day weekend.

Hope you have an awesome week. Until next time!

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