Thursday, January 10, 2008

Music Man

It's been a few days since I last blogged, but you know, I'm a busy boy. Hmm, almost sounds like I'm going to confessional, doesn't it? Ha! Well, I have been busy. Busy makin' music, baby!

Mommy Jenny was cooking and playing some tunes the other day. I was keeping her company in the kitchen and even helped by play the drums. Check it out below. If you listen closely, you can even hear Mommy Jenny's back-up singing. Her singing isn't too bad, but my drumming is better. Hee, hee...

While I was in the kitchen, Mommy Cia took these pictures of me, too.

And, after all of that hard work, it was time to wind down and fall asleep in Mommy Jenny's lap. I like her as my back-up singer, but I like her even better when I get to snuggle in and fall asleep in her arms. That's all for now, folks!

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