Friday, April 25, 2008

Walk With Me

It's been awhile, baby. I know it's been a good month since I last posted an entry. Blame my scribe, Mommy Cia. Oh, ok. You can blame me, too...I've been keeping Mommy Cia and Mommy Jenny on their toes. Why? Because I'm on the move, baby, and most recently have begun walking!

Here's a video of me on my toes.

As you can imagine, it's been a crazy month of learning and growing. Now that I'm on my feet (and have even walked a few steps without any help at all), it's going to get even nuttier around here. I'll be sure to make my scribe doesn't fall behind with the updates. Meanwhile, here are some pictues from the past month to bring you up to speed with how I'm doing. Until next time!

1 comment:

Amyacl said...

Look at that little guy go! It's hard to believe that our boys will soon be a year old. Can't wait to see Jackson show off his new skills!