Thursday, March 27, 2008

Baby Derby

I'm a TV star!

Today I participated in a local TV station's Baby Derby. They even used me for a solo "teaser" to the race, so I had some TV time all by myself.

The racing was good - I was in good form and got some good laps in around the station, so I just knew I was going to win. Then, someone's mommy threw out a binky and that was all she wrote. Distracted by a binky, I ended up coming in 3rd place. Pah! It's the binky's fault! Ah well, disracted by gadgets and food...just like a man, is what they said. Haha. Well, it was a grand time anyway. The winner ended up being the ONLY girl who was in the race, and Mommy Cia says that if I am going to lose, might as well lose to the only girl that was there. Girl power, she said as she laughed.

Mommy Cia taped the segments and will be ripping them so I can put them on the blog sometime soon. Meanwhile, you can view the race by clicking here. Plus, below are some more pics from my 15 seconds of fame.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY, JACKSON! We were all so happy to see you on TV. Especially Mia, she was screaming and yelling JACKSON JACKSON! Ms. Christine knew it was over when she saw the binky go flying. You still looked great. Our own little celebrity, we'll have to hang your picture on the wall of fame!