Sunday, March 23, 2008

Happy Easter, Part Deux

I had the perfect Easter, that's for sure. My mommies Cia and Jenny and I went to my Uncle Rob and Aunt Brenda's and had a super time! There was Easter cake and an Easter egg hunt, and I made friends with some of the other kids there.

I especially liked a cute baby girl that's almost exactly the same age as me. We connected right away, and I think I nearly gave her daddy a heart palpitation when we moved in for a baby smootch. Mommy Cia forgot to tell him that I have a penchant for blondes. Vroom, vroom!

Today was also a monumental day for me, because I learned how to climb up the stairs! My Uncle Rob was especially excited that I performed this "1st feat" in his home (LOVE those carpeted stairs). First, the world!

Here's a clip of me when I made it to the top of the stairs. It took me awhile, but with Mommy Jenny spotting me, I made it all the way to the top without any help!

Check out more Easter pics below:


Anonymous said...

Aunt Brenda says,"Thank you for posting such nice pictures! We had a great Easter and are so happy we could share the day with our family and friends. It was fun seeing the babies together again, too."

Amyacl said...

Oh boy - now that Jackson can climb stairs, there'll be no stopping him! Glad that everyone had such a fun Easter!

Armand said...

you know it's the fact that both Jackson and the other baby have their heads tilted that makes it look like their going in for a big, fiery French kiss. No wonder the father almost had a palpitation : )

People who kiss dead-on are kissing from affection. When you tilt your head, it means something else.


Armand said...

not that babies would know that !