Well, folks. It's true -- all good things must come to an end, you see. A couple of weeks ago I had my annual review with my Early Intervention peeps. Good peeps that they are, put me through some rigorous testing. Jackson do this. Jackson do that. Jackson, Jackson, Jackson. You get the picture.
Well, as it turns out, it is with mixed feelings that I am proud to say I have "graduated" and no longer qualify for Early Intervention services. In some areas I even tested a couple of months higher than my age, which is awesome! You should have seen the very proud looks on my Mommies' faces.
It was a good day.
Alas, bittersweet, I must say. For I have thoroughly enjoyed the time with my good friend, Miss Dawn (pictured above). She has been great and I've enjoyed meeting with her regularly to show off my skills.
Thanks, Miss Dawn, for all you've done. It's been a monumental year and I couldn't have done it (so splendidly, I should say) without your help. I'm gonna miss you!