Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Florida On My Mind...

It's been a busy few months, so it's no surprise I haven't been able to blog as regularly as I'd like. Well, that's the way it goes and that's why God created that sweet thing we all like to call: VACATION. That's right. I needed a vacation, and what better way to "vacate" than to head down to Florida for a good ol' family reunion?

Now, some of you may be saying, "Family Reunion"? That's no vacation, son! Well, indeed, I had my own reservations about this whole thing, but let me tell you. It was a daggon'd good time!

Pool? Loved it! Sun kissin' my face? Loved it! Hangin' with the fam? Totally loved it! I even enjoyed wearing our official family reunion outfit and posing for pictures. I got to sit like a big boy in the chair just like my cousin Hayden. And the food? Yeah, I ate. Tons. And let me tell you. These relatives get crazy when they're together. I'm not sharing on the blog, but I have blackmail pictures. With gators. And that's all I have to say about that.

Check out a few pics from my awesome week...love you family! See you at the Cape in 2010!

1 comment:

Amyacl said...

Looks like you had a great time! Can't wait to hear all about it! Hope to see you soon.