Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Baths, Beds and Other Adventures

I like adventures (more on that later), but at night I'm all about the routine. Particularly when it comes to bath time, tooth-brushing and getting my sleep on. While I've always liked water and bath time, these days I've been taking on some very adventurous baby-swim moves (all properly supervised, of course). Specifically, I like to lie flat on my back (see top picture) and feel the water surround my cheeks. Then I'll kick my legs, like a backstroke kick, to get a splash groove going. My other thing is to flip over on my belly so I can test out my freestyle kicking and arm motions. I haven't perfected it yet, but give me time. Sometimes I like to dip, yes dip, my face down into the water - it's like giving the water a kiss, really. Feeling the water tickle my face makes me giggle and squeal out in delight.

Now, I'm also quite particular about keeping my teeth clean and I make it a point to brush my teeth and/or wash my hands and face whenever I'm near the bathroom. Check out by tooth-brushing skills. Maybe one of these days I'll figure out how to do a slide-show that includes some other pictures from this impromptu photo shoot, because it looks like a cool, old-time video when you watch the sequence one right after the other.

On Sunday, someone you know got a "big boy" bed delivered to his house. You read that right, baby. Now, I've been sleeping solo in the guest bedroom for a few weeks, but there's really nothing like having your "own" bed. Enough with the crib (it was recalled anyway), I never had much of a taste for being behind bars. So it's official - I'm off to the races, so-to-speak. I'll be two years old in just a few month's time so might as well get a jump on the big-boy bed bandwagon. Check me out...I LOVE this bed! Mommy Cia took these pictures with her iPhone, and quite frankly I was moving around a lot, so there may be some blur - but you get the idea.

Before I leave you, I must share with you some pics from last Friday's evening adventure. We were all feeling down about Lucy's passing, so as a way to celebrate her fun-loving life, I took the Moms to the Children's Museum in Downtown Boston. The Museum has a splendid climbing sculpture that goes up 3 stories! Guess who climbed that sucker? You got it! Mommy Jenny went with me (there are big kids in there, you know) and we had a blast. We did some other cool stuff and I'll share that with you in another post. For now, check out my climbing adventure. That's right...I'm climbed this beast all the way to the top! Yeah, baby!!!

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