Friday, September 5, 2008

Friday Fun

Lament, lament, the end of summer is here. I've been very busy with school, but lucky me, I still get to stay home with Mommy Cia on Thursdays and Mommy Jenny on Fridays. While Mommy Jenny was doing some work this morning, I hung out watching the Noggin channel.

Did you know the wiggly worm I'm sitting on used to be my Mommy Cia's when she was little? She saved it, and I'm glad she did, because I like to push it around upstairs (and occassionally sit on it, too).

Later in the afternoon Mommy Jenny & I went over to the playground. As you can see below, I had lots of fun with the horse and the slide.



We picked Mommy Cia up from work after we were done playing at the park. It is "First Fridays", where some of the art galleries open up their space to the public. So, we mosied on down to look at the artwork. As always, there was some good stuff (and some stuff that I just don't understand). It was a perfect day to go out and about. Nice weather, bright skies. We hear that Hurricane Hannah is coming our way. They say we're supposed to get some serious residual rains. Here's to not getting too drenched!

Until next time.

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