Sunday, May 17, 2009

Birthday Bash

It was a great day for a party! And, don't let me forget the cake and ice cream, too. The Moms threw me a tumble party at Together In Motion, a fun tumble gym just down the street, and my friends and I had mad fun tumbling and jumping and bumping all over the place. Afterwards, we loaded up on cake, ice cream and fruit - and then proceeded to go right back at it. Oh, it was loads of fun and a wonderful way to close out my birthday weekend. Thanks to everyone who helped me celebrate in style this weekend. I had an awesome time!!!

Next Sunday I'll be seeing my Uncle Rob, Aunt Brenda and my cousins Hayden and Myra. If it's good weather, we'll check out Castle Island. Mommy Cia has been telling them about that, so I hope we get to take them there.

Until then, enjoy a few birthday pics!

I received lots of nice presents, but have to share my pics of me on my new tricycle that the Moms gave me. Don't I look smashing? My feet don't quite make it to the pedals yet, but give me time. I'll get there...

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