Tuesday, November 4, 2008



Countdown to November 4th, 2008. Election day is here and with it so comes an undeniably momentous election. I, for one, am helping the Moms get out their vote as soon as the polls open.

Let me just say that I am a proud Baby for Barack (no surprise, I am sure). And yes, I hope it's a landslide victory for my candidate. Tuesday night will be spent sitting with the Moms, nervously watching the results come in throughout the night - because I know that regardless of what the pundits say, it isn't over until it's over.

You don't have to agree with my politics - that's OK. But not voting? That's soooo not OK. I want my guy to win, but regardless of whom you're rooting for just get out there and VOTE!

Long line? Stay there and vote!
Tired & cranky? Stay there and vote!
Running late? Stay there and vote!

Yeah, it's that important.

Here's to America winning on Tuesday.

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