Thursday, July 23, 2009


It's been icky weather this week, so I told Mommy Cia that we needed to get out of the house for a bit. What better way to spend rainy weather than by participating in an age-old pastime...bowling! To be clear, we decided to try out Candlepin bowling. You know. Tiny, tiny bowling balls and skinny-as-heck candlepins. The verdict? Mommy Cia really blows at bowling. She's a blowin' bowler. Or something like that. The first time she tried candlepin bowling, she only scored a 35. Me? I scored a 51! That's right. Boo-yah!

Afterwards we visited JP Licks in Somerville for a well-deserved bowl of ice cream. I can't pass up a good scoop of ice cream.

Speaking of rain, check out my umbrella. I like it a lot and find it useful at keeping the rain off when I hold it over my head. Go fig.

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