Monday, December 17, 2007

Hello World! (Part 2)

Time To Take Over The World

Once I passed the three month mark things really started to get interesting. Around this time I started to learn how to roll thanks to lots and lots of time on my belly. Belly time also really helped me learn how to hold my head up and hold it steady. Wow, there's a lot to see! When you're on the floor you see lots of ankles and feet and the bottom of bookcases. Oh, and plenty of lint. Even with the extra blankets on the floor, you can't miss the lint. And dog hair. And cat hair.

In short order I started to find my voice. It started with a small conversations with my Moms when it was changing time. Some of our best conversations were had on my changing table. Boy, I love making conversation when my legs are over my head and I'm getting my butt wiped. I mean, you really have a captive audience at that time, you know?

As soon as I was able to sit pretty steadily, my Mommies Cia and Jenny let me try rice cereal.

Here I am sucking down my first spoonful of rice cereal.

Man, was that GOOD!

Ok. I'm lying. It was really bland. Thankfully, it didn't take my mommies too long to realize I was interested in trying other things. Soon, I was gobbling down sweet potatoes, carrots, pears and apples and just the other day I decided to try peas. Mommy Jenny is a great cook. She really knows how to puree like a pro (and she's quite keen on the the sweet potatoes).

With my ever expanding palate an healthy appetite, I'm strong enough to get on with the work at hand. There are places to go and things to learn and this happenin', party boy (that's for a story at another time) just can't keep still. Keep up with me if you can!

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