Friday, December 28, 2007

Teething Time

Teething. Mommy Cia thought I might be teething a few weeks ago so she stuck her finger (yes, it was clean) and lo and behold, she felt a tooth nub.

Now, anyone who tells you teething doesn't hurt is lying. That's why, when we are teething, people sometimes use the phrase "cutting a tooth". Cutting - which implies pain. And yes, there's plenty of it. That said, I think I've been handling it pretty well.

Worse than the pain, though, are the other downsides to getting the new nubs. Namely....

1) Drooling. Lots and lots of drooling.
2) Diaper rash. What the? I never had diaper rash before, and it sucks.
3) Teething gel. It tastes awful, I don't care what flavor they give it.
4) Ear infections - I've lucked out here. No ear infections yet, but The Moms are watching closely just in case.

On the upside, I do get a fun, recently chilled teething ring (thanks for the great Christmas present, Aunt Lakia!). Plus, Mommy Jenny makes an awesome Asian Pear slushy!

Upon further inspection these days, not only is my first tooth thoroughly visible, a SECOND tooth is starting to emerge. Now I have TEETH! Ohh, the things I can do with teeth. Wasn't there a turkey leg around here somewhere?!

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