Monday, October 13, 2008

Columbus Day Weekend

Columbus Day (as defined by Wikipedia)
Celebrations honoring Christopher Columbus' first voyage to the Americas in 1492.

This is me, not working...(ok, this wasn't even taken on Columbus Day, but I look good, so there).

Columbus Day, otherwise defined by me, is another holiday whereby my Mommies get to take a day off from work. Oh fine, where everyone ELSE's parents get to take the day off from work. Daycare was closed, so I spent the day hanging out with Mommy Jenny. We had a lovely time and even went to brunch with some of her friends, Miss Jana (shout out!) and Miss Adrienne who is visiting from California (double shout out!). Poor Mommy Cia...she wanted to go, but had to work. She DID, however, get to leave work early to watch the ALCS game (with the Sox, yeah baby!) and to drink an adult beverage. A rare night out without me in tow, so she took full advantage.

This past week, we also had the pleasure of the company of our friends Miss Micah and Miss Sarah (also a couple of hip, Californian chicas). I got so used to having them around that I must say it's a bit quiet here without them.

Before they left, we took a trip to the Jamaica Pond in Jamaica Plain. During our visit we saw a huge turtle! It was trying to escape to the road, but a nice man "rescued" him and put him back in the pond. He had to have been 30lbs - way bigger than me, for sure! But, of course, the best part was feeding the duckies. Those ducks are WHACK! After a couple of minutes, it was a feeding frenzy. And let me just tell you - those ducks are NOT shy. Mommy Cia even fed one right from her hand! Here are a couple of pics from our visit.

On Sunday, Mommy Cia, Mommy Jenny and I went to the Wellesley Campus. We let the dogs have a romp on the quad to burn off some energy, and then we took a walk by the pond. During our walk I raced Mommy Jenny down the walkway. Check it out:

Here are some more pics from our Wellesley excursion:

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