Monday, October 6, 2008

Secret Road Trip

Fall is officially here, and with it comes every young baby's right of passage - the scenic drive to watch the changing leaves, apple picking and picking a pumpkin. Well, this past weekend, Mommy Jenny orchestrated a fantastic super, secret road trip that included all of these these, PLUS a very cool trip through a corn maze. I don't know how I survived nearly 3 hours lost in the corn maze, but I did. And it was AWESOME. Here are some pics from our adventures. pictures of us in the maze. We were too focused on making our way through that we forgot to take pictures. Haha!


Amyacl said...

This looks beautiful - where was it? It looks like you had a gorgeous day too - about time after all the rain these last few weeks! I'm glad you eventually found your way out of the corn maze!

Hammer said...

Very cute! looks like a lot of fun was had!