Monday, December 22, 2008


You heard right.'s cold down here. Today was only a high of 60 degrees! Thank goodness we're going back into the 70's tomorrow. I don't think I can take this cold weather for too long. Of course, I know what I'll be coming home to on Friday, but we're not their yet, so let me live in my warm and sunny Florida-world for just a little longer.

This evening I continued on with my spanish lessons from Grandma Coca and Tia Lucy. My phrase for the evening was, "no mas", which translates to, "no more". The Moms missed out on that, because they went shopping and watched another movie (something about taking advantage of the free babysitting while they can). They saw "Seven Pounds" this time, with Will Smith and Rosario Dawson and said it was good, but very heavy. I think they would have enjoyed watching me learn spanish more though.

Earlier today we went with Grandpa Bob to the Webster Co. Flea Market. Let me tell you straight up...that's a lot of stuff they have over there. Yes, a lot of...stuff. Mommy Cia and Mommy Jenny got bored after a while and luckily they found a playground nearby so I could burn off a little energy. Here are a couple of pics.

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