It's the day before Christmas and all through the house, lots of people were stirring for a pre-Christmas party rout. That's right. The grandparents party down here and we're prepping for a bash tonight. A smaller crowd that usual since a number of folks are out of town, but a bash nonetheless.
Yesterday, we visited my friend, Miss Jana and her parents, Ms. Susan and Mr. John...and their super cute dog, Colby. I think I got that right, but I've been slightly under the weather the last two days, so Mr. John, correct me if I got the puppy's name wrong. Anyway, we had a grand time and they surprised me with a very nice Christmas gift. I had fun unwrapping my gift and once unwrapped, I proceeded to "re-wrap" by bring each piece of the box and the items over to Mr. John, one-by-one. I'm tidy that way. I was reviewing my stash last night and I must say, my wardrobe has moved up another notch because of their very fine fashion sense. Thank you so much!!!
Here I am with Miss Jana and her Mommy and Daddy:
During our visit I had a chance to show of a few of my mad skills, including a new one that Tia Lucy taught me, where I kick the ball and yell "Gol!", the spanish cry for "Goal". Mr. John and I picked a HUGE orange from his orange tree (see above picture) - it was like a soccer ball! So naturally, I started kicking it around and yelled out, "Gooooollll!".
They also treated us to a lovely lunch where fine conversation was had by all. Of course, the highlight of the meal for me was stealing potato chips from Mommy Cia's plate and putting them on my own plate. Because, everything really tastes much better when taken from someone else's plate. It is the "giving" season after all, nevermind that in this case I was "taking". Semantics...
Here are some other pictures from my visit:
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