Thursday, December 18, 2008

Florida Fun

Greetings! I know it's been awhile since my last post, but I've been busy and distracted. Some might even call it holiday fever. This past month has been a countdown to Florida. It's hard to concentrate when Florida is on the mind.

This moring we left for a 9 day trip to see the grand'rents AND as a special bonus, my cousin Lucy is visiting from Argentina. Lucy is "on" all the time -- let's see if she can really keep up with me. *wink, wink*

The Moms have been looking forward to this trip for many reasons, namely they get to take regularly-scheduled naps each day. And, really, who can resist a nap? Mommy Cia already took advantage of that this afternoon. Once she laid down, she was out. O-U-T. Out! While she napped, Mommy Jenny & Prima Lucy took me for a whirl in the golf cart (see above picture). Oh, boy! That was fun, fun, fun!

Here are more pictures from my first day. We're looking for a fun weekend filled with NAPS, hanging out and 80 degree weather. Yeah, baby! All the while, I'll do my best at updating regularly so you can see all my fun in the sun.

1 comment:

Amyacl said...

Looking at these pictures makes me feel so envious as the snow starts to fall outside my window! Please keep posting regularly so we can get some vicarious sun, and have a great time!