Thursday, May 15, 2008

Birthday Bliss

Today I officially turned 1 year old! Can you believe it? This is a turning point and worthy of some reflection of the past year. Here I am reflecting at the park the other day...

This time one year ago, I was laying in the NICU with a bunch of wires hooked up to me, monitoring my vitals. My Mommy Cia was knocked out, recouperating from surgery and Mommy Jenny was by her side all night. Good news came fast. Doctors determined that despite my tiny size (only 2 1bs, 12 ozs!) I was healthy and doing well. It turns out they watched me at the hospital for 2 1/2 weeks and then I got to go home.

Twelve months, come and gone like a flash - and now it seems like old hat. Those first three months went by like a blur. So many changes, such excitement. The next three months my personality started emerging. Then came the crawling and now the walking.

It's been a great year. Now, on to the next!

1 comment:

Amyacl said...

What a difference a year can make! Happy, happy birthday, Jackson, and may the coming year bring you lots of fun, happiness, and wonderful surprises!

Armand, Amy, and Sebastian