Saturday, May 24, 2008

Super Saturday

Today is the start of Memorial Day weekend, and what better way to kick it off than to spend part of my afternoon at the "Tot Lot" in Jamaica Plain? We met my friend, Seba (click here for his blog), and his parents Mr. Armand and Ms. Amy, and had a grand time. Seba and I had fun playing on the toys (I tried to eat the mulch) while the parental units enjoyed some good conversation. There were plenty of other kids there as well and I had fun playing with them, too.

Afterwards, we went to JP Licks for some ice cream. Mommy Cia got a HUGE ice cream sundae and I don't know how she finished it, but she did! Yum! I can't wait to get my hands on one of those sometime.

Here are some pictures from our time together. Click on our "slide" pictures to get a closer about static cling, baby!

1 comment:

Amyacl said...

We had a great time on Saturday, and you got some great pictures! Sebastian's hair is still not the same. Did you notice that the people who were sitting on a bench when we got to the playground had take-out pizza? Not a bad idea for next time - or maybe even sushi from JP Seafood!